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Honolulu Special Olympics

BY IN Uncategorized On 17-10-2024

Honolulu Freight Service is excited to be donating services and helping to raise funds for The Honolulu Special Olympics. Each year, they host the “Over The Edge” event as an important fundraiser for Special Olympics Hawai’i. On Saturday, October 19th, our very own Kai Pili-Mahoe will be stepping up to the platform on the roof of the Ewa Tower of the Waikiki Hyatt Regency to go “OVER THE EDGE” and rappel down this 40-floor tower.  

If you would like to watch, you can join the crowd at the Waikiki Hyatt Ewa Tower on the 5th floor Pool Deck or watch online here. You can also use that link to send encouraging messages that will be read to her as she is making her decent. Kai is scheduled to step off at 10:30 a.m. – with a window of +/- 30 minutes. Be sure to log in early so you don’t miss her. 

If you would like to make a donation to The Special Olympics, you can do so here.  GOOD LUCK KAI!

#overtheedgehawaii #SpecialOlympicsHawaii


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