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Hurricane Lane Update 8-22-2018

BY IN Uncategorized On 22-08-2018

August 22, 2018

Aloha HFS Customer:

Please be advised there is a Hurricane Warning in effect for Hawaii County, Hurricane Watches for Maui County and Oahu and a flash flood watch for all of Hawaii.

The port of Honolulu is anticipating port closure as of 11am today thru Friday and Saturday and the other islands are at maximum readiness with potential closures beginning as soon as Thursday.

Depending on storm conditions, container availability may be delayed until the weekend or next week. Any deliveries already scheduled for Thursday and Friday may be cancelled as the storm passes.

We are monitoring the situation and will continue to provide updates as received.

Should you require further information, please contact your local Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.

Mahalo for your continued patience and support!


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