Notifications: 2018 Steamship Lines General Rate Increase & Hawaii Delivery Adjustment
BY adm1n IN Uncategorized On 07-12-2017
Aloha HFS Customer:
Matson Navigation announced they will raise rates to and from Hawaii effective January 7, 2018. Westbound container loads will increase by $225.00 and Eastbound containers by $110.00. No adjustment will be made to the terminal handling charge (THC).
As a result, it is necessary for Honolulu Freight Service to pass on this increase. Our less than container load (LCL) ocean rates will be adjusted accordingly for both Westbound & Eastbound respectively. Full container load (FCL) rates will be increased the same amount as the steamship lines. These adjustments are a direct pass through of ocean carrier price increases.
In addition, also effective January 7, 2018, HFS will be issuing a rate adjustment in our Oahu Trucking and Warehouse tariffs granted by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Our Maui agent will also be implementing a rate adjustment for Maui Island deliveries effective this same date.
HFS will continue our duty to control costs and to furnish the industry’s leading logistics solutions to our customers. Your support and trust is appreciated.
Should you require further information, please contact your local Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.
Mahalo for shipping via HFS!
We appreciate your loyal support and wish you and yours very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
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