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Our Commitment to Customers During COVID-19 Update 4/29/2020

BY IN Uncategorized On 29-04-2020

Thank you for choosing Honolulu Freight Service and Guam Freight Service and our affiliated companies for your logistics needs.

As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop our goal is to release updates relating to our business and terminal locations.  We pride ourselves in the care and concern we show not only our employees but the communities in which we live and serve.

Honolulu Freight Service, Guam Freight Service and all of our affiliates are taking extra precautions across our sites to ensure workplace cleanliness and safety, and all employees are encouraged to be vigilant in personal hygiene habits and keeping their individual work areas clean as well as wearing face masks or coverings when unable to practice social distancing.

In addition, guidance to employees working on docks or in trucks and other locations is to take extra precautions to prevent the potential spread of coronavirus by minimizing close contact with coworkers and/or customers and vendor up to and including the use of face masks or coverings.


Based on further findings from the CDC, effective immediately, we are now requiring face masks or coverings be worn when visiting any of our locations.  Whether in our yard, our office or on our dock – please adhere to wearing a face covering or mask that covers the mouth and nose at all times.  Note:  this requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to individuals who are unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition. 

The use of a face covering or mask should not be seen as a substitute for social distancing.  Please continue to observe rules regarding appropriate distancing while visiting any of our locations.   Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in working diligently to keep everyone healthy.

As we consider ourselves your partner we will keep you informed as to updates and notifications pertaining to the Hawaiian and Micronesian trade-lanes.  Whether that’s locally or on a federal level you can count on us.

Please continue to refer to the Center of Disease Control for the latest information regarding COVID-19 at, as well as other local and federal government agencies.


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